We have experienced increase in scale and impact of natural disaster over the past few decades. These disasters have washed away hard earned development gains. It is now imperative to have risk based development planning to ensure that future development gains are sustainable and community is resilient. This calls for mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction in every activity conducted by government, non-government organization, community and every family.
HelpGrid is specialized in providing solutions across the entire spectrum of disaster risk management cycle. We carry out multi-hazard risk assessment which then guides the development interventions carried out by implementing agencies such that the new development interventions not only help to reduce existing risk but also ensures that the gains of development interventions are sustainable.
Our solutions include:
- • Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment
- • Institutional & Community Trainings
- • Application of Risk Assessment for mitigation, preparedness, response & recovery
- • Risk Communication
- • Preparing Response Plan
- • Pre & post disaster advisory
- • Post Disaster Needs Assessment
- • Application of GIS for Disaster Risk Management